Understanding the 4 C’s of Mortgage Lending with Kevin Retcher


Navigating the complex world of mortgage lending involves understanding some key principles, chief among them the four C’s – Capacity, Credit, Capital, and Collateral. In a detailed seminar hosted by Kevin Retcher, President of First Meridian Mortgage, these foundational elements are thoroughly examined. Here’s a deeper look at the insights shared by Kevin on the four C’s of mortgage lending.

Capacity – Your Ability to Repay

The first “C,” Capacity, pertains to your ability to repay the loan. This factor evaluates your job stability, type of income, and debt-to-income ratio. Lenders examine your capacity to ensure that you can comfortably meet your mortgage obligations.

Credit – The Foundation of Trust

Credit is the second “C” and it focuses on your credit history and current credit score. During the seminar, Kevin highlights the importance of sound credit practices, including making payments on time and maintaining a varied credit portfolio. Understanding what affects your credit score is vital for successful mortgage applications.

Capital – Demonstrating Financial Strength

Capital, the third “C,” is about the financial assets you possess, which might include your down payment and any additional reserves or equity. Kevin discusses how these assets affect your loan-to-value ratio and the total amount you are eligible to borrow.

Collateral – The Security of Your Loan

Collateral, the fourth and final “C,” relates to the actual property you wish to purchase. This is what secures the loan. Kevin explains how the lender evaluates the property’s type, location, and condition as part of the lending decision process.

Interplay of the 4 C’s

Kevin Retcher emphasizes the synergy between the four C’s in mortgage lending. Each component—Capacity, Credit, Capital, and Collateral—is crucial in determining your eligibility and the terms of your loan. Understanding how these elements interconnect helps you make better-informed financial choices.

Personalized Insights and Tips

Throughout his seminar, Kevin offers tailored advice and tips to help attendees understand and manage the complexities of mortgage lending. His guidance covers everything from managing gift funds to assessing potential risks associated with collateral.

Closing Thoughts

As the seminar concludes, Kevin reiterates the significance of mastering the four C’s—Capacity, Credit, Capital, and Collateral—when pursuing a mortgage. Being well-versed in these areas helps prospective borrowers present themselves favorably to lenders and increase their chances of loan approval.


Kevin Retcher’s detailed explanation of the four C’s provides invaluable knowledge for anyone looking to buy a home or better understand mortgage lending. Armed with insights on Capacity, Credit, Capital, and Collateral, borrowers can strategically approach the loan application process and optimize their financial standing for future lending opportunities.